Monday, May 30, 2011

Have it all! ish...

Can you have it  all? 

Can everything be awesome all the time?

Can you do two things that are directly opposed?

Short answer- No
Long answer- Yes, kinda...

It all matters how you set it up, how you really want to do it.

If you want to live life fast, you probably will. If you REALLY want to live a life of luxury, you will find a way to get it- albeit hard work being the best way.  If you want a life that is less stressful- DO IT!!! there are healthy ways to manage busy, there are healthy and productive ways to get A LOT done. If you want to run ragged always, you will.

The first step is self-awareness. If you can figure out what you are capable of, what set you off, what makes you tick, what really makes you happy- then the rest is simply making small decisions to stay away from the extremes and find a good balance.

If you want a life where love and happiness is present, do the kinds of things that bring it, but have the self-worth to be selective with whom you share it.  If you don't see your worth then how can you expect someone else to?

If you live for another's happiness who will take care of yours? I heard a phrase that has always stuck with me- "Never give another person your whole heart to hold, because they will inevitably drop it. Instead, let them share with you your soul." Give of your yourself, but not yourself- your identity. It is absolutely possible to create an identity together, but it is the product of TWO SEPARATE people wanting and sharing their dream. 

Yes, they will see the good and bad, the ugly and the beautiful, happy and sad sides of you, but adversely you will see the same of them. People are powerful, happy, motivated, and beautiful, wicked, dark, and hurtful, but mostly they are fallible. Rarely do we intend to intend to let our emotions get the best of us, but sometimes...

SO..... Can you have it all? yes, kinda... IF you-

1. Want it- Really WANT it. 
2. Decide the gains outweigh the risks
3. Pay the price
4. JUST DO IT!!!! -Nike had it soooo right when they came up with that slogan. (Sometimes we have the control we want. Sometimes we have no control, but if we JUST DO IT- we can learn and adjust accordingly. The act then is a testament of your desire and consistency. Its so much easier to be consistent 100% of the time then 98% or 89% because the decision has already been made. You JUST DO IT!
5. Be willing to accept responsibility and consequences- good and bad.
6. Learn the whole time.

Here is the "kinda"-

What if you want two things that are opposing? You must choose. Decide what you really want and then go after it.


I love my life and things are good. I wont pretend they are easy, but they are good. I wish the same for feelings for everyone.

If you do the same thing you have always done, you will get the same thing you have always got. And until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you wont change anything.

So- If you are unhappy, figure out why and change it. If you are angry or hurt, forgive. If you are stressed and anxious, come back to what really matters.

One of the most beautiful parts of life is CHANGE!  Its inevitable, and its as great as you want it to be.

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