Sunday, May 8, 2011

Attitude, Integrity, Service- A tribute to mothers

When life gives you more than you can comprehend doing alone, God gives you His strength.

Sometimes God calms the storm, Sometimes He allows the storm to rage on and calms His child.   -unknown

Attitude dictates our paradigm, which in turn creates our perception, that subsequently is how we view ourselves, those around us, and our world. Our attitude can liberate when oppressed, empower when broken, and change a proud or stubborn heart. Attitude adversely can bind, enslave, depress, and destroy. Attitude is the frail thread between joy, success, and happiness and mediocrity, complacency, and excuses.

My life is truly blessed by my family and this weekend I had the opportunity to see my parents, brother, and grandma. I see the attitude they possess, their zest for life. I see the excitement in their eyes to make a memory and enjoy the company of one another. I see love. I see their attitudes separating them from the world.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”

-Warren Buffett

Integrity is not negotiable. Integrity is doing what you say you will do. Integrity is being impeccable to your word. Integrity is knowing what you are doing it and not compromising YOUR fundamental core values. I thank those in my life who exemplify it. I thank my father and mother for their unwavering integrity amidst a "progressive" world. I thank those teachers and leaders who arduously defend the integrity of their nation, families, and individual persons.

Never back down from your fundamental values. Never compromise your integrity.

Service is the expression of the true love we possess for humanity. Humanity is the charity of our hearts and care for lives of others. Service brings about love and love in turn increases our desire to serve. In the cyclic nature of the joy possible its the actual action of service that makes it possible.

If you are looking for a beginning, if you are looking for True Joy, TRUE JOY, the kind of joy that reaches into depths of your heart and softly caresses  the most tender emotions you hold dear- it is service. Want it, I challenge you to want it. I challenge you to not simply do it, but seek, want, and live it.

The epitome of service, attitude, and integrity- Mommas  Happy mothers day!!!! To all of the mothers, soon to be mothers, and women who give of their lives in true and everlasting service of others, Thank You. I love you momma.

1 comment:

  1. These flowers are vibrant. They brighten the bleak and dreary world around them (although the red rock and spotty trees can actually be beautiful). Hopefully we can be like the flowers and brighten someone's day. Mothers do that, so you might say that mothers are flowers.
