Thursday, June 2, 2011

The inner mind

My uncle Brent Ferrin wrote this poem and I felt that it is a wonderful expression of the thoughts I have had lately.  We are our thoughts. You control it all. Food for thought but what do YOU really want to BUILD? Where are you thoughts and energies? What do you really do? not what do you wish and say you will/want/need to do. What do you do. Contemplate it as you read this. It takes on an even deeper meaning and therefore personal appreciation. Do Great, Be Great, Be Happy!

The Inner Mind of a Man
Such a strange place let me take you in
But be warned I know not where to begin
Like man himself, thoughts start as a seed
Then grow to maturity then on to deed
For what he thinks he truly will be
Not like a plant or animal or tree
Where what you see is what you get
Not so with man, it’s anyone’s bet
So much hope then so much stress
What he’ll become is anyone’s guess
But he can do anything if he really desires
To the moon, to the peak or whatever he aspires
He can build a building straight from his mind
Yet he must be careful to always remain kind
Kind to the ones who gave him flight
Protective of those who fear his might
Unpredictable to those who know of him
Yet pure and straight from the thoughts within
He can try to change anything if he likes
But only if he wins the battle in the mind
You sow a seed then reap a thought
Your mind doesn’t really care if it’s good or not
You must beware of the innermost chamber
Because every thought has a remainder
A remainder of good or evil you see
Because what remains is what will be
For the subconscious mind only does what it’s told
Through the actions of man from birth till he’s old
So control of one’s actions is a must
Yet these are only controlled by trust
God gave us opportunity to shine in life’s test
It is up to us as men to do the rest
But try as we might there is only one chance
Filter the messages we are bombarded with each day
Accept only the good ones throw the others away
Again if we won’t the baser sins will control
And push out the till evil overflows
Childhood to death is a long time for most
Our job is to  cleanse not be a good host
When intelligence flickers in the mind of man
We first need protection then tests to prove we can
Don’t let us experience all at an early age
But only help us prepare the stage
The stage of our lives must be swept clean each day
So only the positive can remain – the Lord’s way
It’s not an easy road as all will attest
To throw out the bad and keep the best
This must be done to finish the race
To be a man of honor not of disgrace
We try to protect ourselves with shields and swords
When really it’s only important to control one’s words
A thought planted in the imaginative soil of one’s brain
Left unchecked or not removed will show up again
Thoughts turn to actions is a well proven fact
All said and done it can’t be clearer than that
Guard your mind a the most precious thing in life
It will eliminate problems, worry and strife
You only have one chance when a thought wants to rest
You can plant it or kill it, that is the test
For that which you think is what you become
A titan of industry or a street bum
Life seems short yet at other times long
Especially if you end up in the wrong
Treasure your time with your loving wife
It is probably more glorious than life
Life has its challenges as all understand
Especially for those in the mind of a man
Hold to the rod, it’s the only sure path
If you don’t you will surely feel his wrath
Brent Ferrin

So lately I have been crazy busy in applied mathematics- that ugly thing called chemistry, accelerated chemistry. I have never had such a need to study or such such a determination to do well. But its not coming as easy as I had hoped. The first test is tomorrow morning and every day since class started at 8am I have been arduously studying and preparing until 11:15 pm. (Really, the most time I have taken away from my studies is now to write this.)

Seriously? seriously. I want it almost too much. I am overthinking, I am overworking, and I love it! This style of learning burns me out fast, but I have learned the material so much better. I also feel I will retain it much longer. Gotta love it. I think its because I finally feel like I am being trusted to learn.

But on a down side- I havent worked out in 4 weeks now... ugh... I fell gross. Tomorrow and Saturday look out. I have 3 weeks to catch up on in 2 days.

I know it will all be worth it. The most rewarding experiences are those that we are most invested in. I look forward to the pay-out already. It also brings a quote to mind...

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it"

Get busy! Have a wonderful day and know that life is grand!

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