Sunday, October 30, 2011

Moving Forward and Loving life!

SOooo.... I don't know why this summer was so rough, or why I have had so many uncontrollable accidents, or why I cant ever seem to get to a stable place, but what I have decided is that I still absolutely control my paradigm and my perspective.

3 months ago I was telling my Momma how I was living in a condemned house with no water or electricity, riding a presumably stolen motorcycle, my car caught fire and burned while I was living in Cedar City, just found out my student Pell grants and scholarships had been taken away because I had already earned a bachelors degree, I had 5$ remaining on my credit card, I was super sick, classes were just starting and because I hadn't taken the prerequisites I was having to learn a completely unfamiliar math language, and I was already burning out from the accelerated everything I have been doing.

Then the water was turned on- meant I could at least take cold showers (for about 3-4 weeks). Then the electricity came on and I could live like a person again. Then I got a letter telling me my motorcycle wasn't stolen and I could have it. Then I started understanding the classroom material. Then I decided that I COULD and WOULD be happy despite my situation.

Then I wrecked my motorcycle while I was riding in the rain. I got all smashed up, the bike was totalled, my hands were shredded and it at some point went over the top of me. blah blah blah. Long story short, it was no bueno.

A week later I am barricade security for Yellowcard, Every Avenue, and Go Radio. I was front and freaking- center!!!! It was a killer concert and when I went to the meet and greet with the band they told me it was one of the top 5 best concerts that they had ever done! THE ENERGY WAS INCREDIBLE!!!!!! Met alot of great people and had a good time. 2 days later I'm in Vegas and WOW..... I really dont know what else to say... Shoulda been there. ;-) There I met a pretty little lady that has turned my world around and to whom I am very grateful for!

I picked up two new volunteering opportunities that I am sure I will cover in more detail in future postings, but to just give you a heads-up, one is CASA/GAL and the other is at the volunteer free clinic. The CASA/GAL program is Court Appointed Special Advocate for children, run by and with the Guardian Ad Litem. The Volunteer Clinic is just that- a medical clinic run by volunteer doctors, nurses, and other staff that want to give back to the community. I get to do that now! Yay!!!!

In short its all coming together and


I hope you treasure every moment and make every "misfortune" your own fortune.

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